If you are located in New Zealand and wish to return an item, you have two options. You can either return it to our online warehouse or visit one of our retail stores. To find the nearest store, please visit our store finder page.
For customers from all other countries, you can only return the item to our online warehouse in Australia.
It is important to note that the item must be returned to our online warehouse within 30 days of receipt.
If you choose to return the item to our online warehouse, please be aware that you will be responsible for the cost of the return. It is also your responsibility to ensure that the goods reach our premises safely, as we cannot be held responsible until they are in our possession. To ensure a secure return, we recommend using a tracked method of postage.
In order for us to process your return request as quickly as possible, please download and complete our online returns form. This form should be included with your return. You can download the returns form here.
Once you have completed the returns form, please return your parcel to the following address using your preferred postage service:
General Pants Online Returns PO Box 2433Sunshine West Vic 8438
*Please note that purchases made in Australia and paid for in AUD cannot be returned or exchanged in New Zealand.
*Similarly, purchases made in New Zealand and paid for in NZD cannot be returned or exchanged in Australia.